Our Identity and Values - XEFI Europe
XEFI Europe - XEFI – Provider for VSE/SMEs, ETIs and public administrations

Our Identity and Values

XEFI Sauvegarde interlocuteur unique

Identity and values

At XEFI, the word “company” takes a whole new meaning.
A collective meaning, where everyone is in control of his own professional objectives and that of the group.
An individual meaning, for all those who want to take ownership and wish to take control of their personal professional objectives, and to be the entrepreneur of their career.
We are a customer-oriented company with a strong culture of client service and commitment. 
The main values of our group are:
– the balance between collective well-being and individual objectives and well-being.
– Personal commitment, a balance between the right to make mistakes whilst learning and the demand for excellence.
– team spirit, cohesion, the desire to surpass oneself and to share one’s efforts and results.
The culture of well-being through the effort and participation in sporting activities is ingrained in our values but also our daily life, as shown by the XEFI Sport Santé program. This service is at the disposition of all our employees.


XEFI jobs opportunities

Ambitionsof our human resources

Why undertake a career at XEFI ?

We have no other ambition than to offer you a real and enriching career. With this in mind, our rapid development is a powerful tool.
At XEFI we offer each employee the opportunity to be the actor of his own development.
Trust, commitment, well-being; the values that allow everyone to find their place within the group.
We consider that one’s personality is more important than knowledge and that each individual is able to aim for excellence if he has the ambition to do so.
At XEFI, it’s all about careers !
So let’s be ambitious, let’s think “career”, our opportunities are within reaching distance !


XEFI career ambitions