Mobil-IT Solution - XEFI Europe
XEFI Europe - XEFI – Provider for VSE/SMEs, ETIs and public administrations

Mobil-IT Solution


Need to work from home,anytime?

Easily access your IT environment

Mobility is at the heart of the challenges of new work dynamics.
Companies must adapt to ensure business continuity in all situations.

Rethink the way you work!
Make your employees mobile and autonomous, while developing collaborative and secure work thanks to the virtual PC in the XEFI cloud.

Your teams remain operational in all circumstances

Whether your servers are at home or in our DataCenters, offer your employees their workstation accessible remotely: access to their IT environment, “like in the office”, with the same shortcuts and the same software.


How to ensure efficient mobility?


PC, thin clients or docking station: equip your employees with reliable and high-performance equipment. The XEFI +: Strong partnerships with our manufacturers to get you the best conditions.


A virtual private network (VPN) between your hardware and your data with a secure IP address. The XEFI +: Our French TIER III Datacenters have advanced security certifications.


Troubleshooting and rapid interventions with your users. The XEFI +: Remote supervision and support by our technical teams to keep your employees operational

XEFI support for teleworking

XEFI services

To maintain a level of security, data protection and productivity, XEFI includes all its service offers
in the virtual PC: INFORCEMENT – SECURITY – BACKUP. No more risk of data loss!

Internet Access

For smooth use of virtual PCs, it is essential for companies to have a good Internet connection, SDSL or Fiber Optic. XEFI, service operator, supports you in setting up these links.

Our Datacenters

Owner of its own Datacenters, XEFI masters the entire cloud computing chain and supports you in the seamless outsourcing of your infrastructure. Discover our Datacenters

Go 100% outsourced

Backup and Hosting


I want to benefit from the Mobil-IT solution

Contact your agency!
