Our backupsolutions
Quelle que soit la taille de votre entreprise, la sauvegarde n’est pas une alternative !
La solution de sauvegarde externalisée XEFI permet de sauvegarder et récupérer données et système dans nos Datacenters hautement sécurisés, et ainsi répondre aux exigences du RGPD (Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données) en termes de sécurité.
Plus aucune gestion de votre part : nos équipes supervisent et monitorent quotidiennement les sauvegardes. Restauration rapide, partielle ou totale, avec un choix de rétention de 7 à 30 jours.
Remote backup of your servers
Equally effective on physical, virtual and cloud computing environments.
ContactRemote backup of your workstations
XEFI supports encrypted backup of your laptops and desktops for added security.
ContactActivity retake
In the event of a blocking IT disaster, our PRA solution allows you to quickly resume your activity on virtual servers.
ContactOur solutionsHosting
XEFI protects your data
The protection of your company’s data is a major issue for the sustainability of your business. Our hosting solutions are based on our subsidiary Datacenters NEXEREN. Our Datacenters have cutting-edge technology that ensures the highest levels of security and data availability.
All of our hosting solutions systematically include power supply, green IT cooling, and bandwidth for turnkey services.
Our strengths :
- Your data is stored in our Datacenters located in France and supervised 24/7/365
- Your data is permanently accessible: commitment to network availability, guaranteed recovery time, redundant power supply, infrastructure supervised by our engineers.
- Your data is protected, encrypted and stored in a dedicated space that benefits from the highest levels of certification: Tier III Design and Facility, HDS, ISO 27001, ISO 14001, PCI-DSS.
Host your data with peace of mind
Your physical servers hosted in our Datacenters, managed, secure and backed up daily.
Our latest generation HPE servers, reliable and efficient to host your data in our Datacenters, managed, secure and backed up daily.
No need for your physical server, everything is virtualized and hosted in our Datacenters, managed, secured and backed up daily by our teams of experts. Easy and flexible! Develop performance according to 3 criteria: Memory, storage and processor.
Rack Rental
A clean room dedicated to your infrastructure with a guaranteed availability rate of 99.98%. Hosting of your servers in a full rack or ½ rack.
Messaging Hosting
Your professional collaborative messaging managed by XEFI.
Access your messaging anywhere and anytime with the XEFI messaging platform and easily manage your emails, calendar and address book on a daily basis.
The messaging platform provides: email, scheduling, and tools for personalized messaging and collaboration service applications.
Website hosting
Hosting your website on a server managed by XEFI: a scalable solution (extension of storage capacity, SQL database) with the guarantees of our Datacenters for availability, security and daily backup.
Backup and IT Hosting
In companies, digital files are increasingly used. They are used in the fields of commerce, finance, communication and health. Digital information is increasingly used and increasingly sensitive. It is therefore becoming all the more important to protect. Information losses can be economic, technical or legal. Companies are increasingly threatened by hackers whose goal is to embezzle money, destroy data, modify information, send viruses, invade servers, steal confidential information, etc.
It is therefore essential to back up your data and host it in secure locations. To back up data, you must make regular backup copies. You must use media that can be kept out of sight or protected from bad weather. To host data, you must use secure servers. You have to pay attention to storage space, data transfer speed, server security, server availability, interfaces, features, certifications, guarantees, performance, etc.
Companies can call on professionals to back up and host their data. They can take advantage of online backup, which is a service offered by some providers. They can also call on providers to host their servers. The latter offer physical, dedicated, virtual, managed, shared, virtual private network, private cloud hosting solutions, etc.
In the IT world that has become everyone’s world today, it is important to know the difference between the different types of backups. There is an incremental backup, which consists of a backup that only saves the data that has been modified since the last backup. This technique is quickly profitable for large companies but is not always recommended. Then, especially in companies, there is the full backup, which consists of a backup that records all the data since the last recording.
Professional IT hosting
There are two types of IT hosting. There is cloud hosting which is hosting that consists of hosting that is located in a group of computers that work together (computer group network). This hosting is recommended for companies that have a large activity. Finally, there is hosting on a server which is hosting that consists of hosting that is located on a computer (server) that is dedicated solely to hosting. This hosting is recommended for people who have a personal PC.
Security and backup of computer data
In the world of IT, knowing how to back up your data is a necessity. To do this, it is possible to make backups on physical media (hard drive, USB key, etc.) but even more often on a remote IT media. This server can, of course, be a corporate server, but it can also be a public server, or cloud service.
In the case of a corporate server, backups are made according to the needs of the company and on media secured by hardware and software means that are generally very expensive. In the case of a public server, backups are made only by the client (user computer) through which it connects to the server. The client is responsible for saving its data on its computer and sends the saved data to the server. The server does not save any data and cannot save data for the client.
p>To conclude, a backup is an essential element in IT. It allows you to recover data lost following the deletion of a file, a computer fault (hard disk, memory fault, etc.) or a computer attack (virus, ransomware, etc.). It is necessary for any type of user to perform a minimum of backups. If you need any help on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us.